Entry date: mar 1
This must be what stepping foot on the moon for the first time feels like. Euphoric. Surreal.
A moment so monumental, so extraordinary, that words almost feel unworthy of describing it. If asked to articulate it, I find myself grasping at metaphors, a mere mortal undeserving of such power.
I wish I knew how to bottle this feeling. This rare, intoxicating flow is a high unlike any other (though, full disclosure, my experience in that realm is limited—my wildest trip was an Ambien-induced hallucination, never again).
Nonetheless, I did a thing.
I pressed the button. And now it’s real.
You’re looking at the very first post on creatordiary.com. Yes, I know. I can’t believe it was an available URL either.
I’ve been sitting on the idea of bringing back a personal website (read: blog) for some time now.
I nearly defaulted to using my name, but honestly? That felt a little… uninspired. Besides, no one spells my name right the first time (or the second, or third).
Not to mention, I’ve been toying with the idea of changing it altogether. And no, this isn’t a midlife crisis or a marital confession—Jared and I are solid. But doesn’t Abagail Birch just have a lovely ring to it? Maybe one day it’ll be my pen name.
But, back to the plot.
The problem is (or should I say was?) I thought I was too much. Too scattered. Too unfocused. Too… Pinterest.
I wrestled with this narrative, believing it meant I didn’t know who I was or what kind of creator I wanted to be. But now? I see it differently. I’m not indecisive. I’m multi-passionate. And I love expressing that creativity over a wide variety of mediums and topics.
Undoubtedly, it would be premature to tell you exactly what this will evolve into. My first personal blog was a mix of recipes, local Kansas City event coverage and design before morphing into the small business education company (bossproject.com) it is today.
My hope is to chronicle the messy, beautiful parts of what it’s like to run an online business, design a home, and build a life that feels deeply, unapologetically mine.
Maybe this will even become the spot for the book I’ve been quietly writing in my mind.
See, I’m not new to this.
I’ve written what I can only assume at this point is tens of thousands of pages of copy. For actual YEARS I churned out 5 blog posts a week (still couldn’t tell you how). This was followed by many more producing the Strategy Hour podcast, which will pass 1000 episodes this year. In that time I’ve created hundreds of digital products and courses (368+ last I counted). I’ve hosted online summits, virtual events and so many webinars.
Despite reinventing myself now and again over the last decade, if there’s one throughline in everything I’ve done, it’s this: I’m deeply committed to the art of creating.
And THIS is the start of a new chapter. Welcome to creatordiary.com.