entry: mar 1
Dear Creator Diary,
This must be what stepping foot on the moon for the first time feels like. Euphoric. Surreal.
A moment so monumental, so extraordinary, that words almost feel unworthy of describing it. If asked to articulate it, I find myself grasping at metaphors, a mere mortal undeserving of such power.
I wish I knew how to bottle this feeling. This rare, intoxicating flow is a high unlike any other (though, full disclosure, my experience in that realm is limited—my wildest trip was an Ambien-induced hallucination, never again).
Nonetheless, I did a thing.
I pressed the button.
And now it’s real.
You’re looking at the very first post on Creator Diary.
I’ve spent a lifetime chasing the right words. Always searching, always scribbling them down, always wondering if they were enough.
Maybe that’s why I was drawn to the newspaper as a kid.
Every morning, my mom read it cover to cover. I’d sit across from her, learning to read the print upside down as she flipped through the pages.
There were three sections I cared about most:
My Daily Horoscope
The Cartoon Section
And the "Dear Abby" advice column she often read aloud to me.
Even then, I imagined what I’d say in response.
For years, I believed I had to pick a path, to be one kind of creator. To write one kind of thing. To fit neatly into a box that made sense.
But the truth is, I’ve never been just one thing. I’ve spent my life telling stories, asking better questions, and exploring every creative medium I can get my hands on.
That’s why this space exists.
Creator Diary is a place for stories: yours, mine, ours.
Some entries will live here untouched, telling their own unfiltered truth. Others will be met with a response—guidance, encouragement, a new perspective for the road ahead.
Some words are too heavy to hold alone. Some stories deserve to be heard.
This is where they belong.
Want to share your story?
Want to be a part of the journey?
Welcome to Creator Diary.
With ink-stained hands,